
Vlada FBiH prihvatila inicijativu za donošenje zakona o civilnim žrtvama rata / The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina accepts the initative for the creation of a law for civilian victims of war (27.2.2019)

Izvor: http://www.profitiraj.ba/?p=17447

Vlada Federacije BiH je, na današnjoj sjednici u Mostaru, prihvatila inicijativu Skupštine Zeničko-dobojskog kantona za donošenje posebnog federalnog zakona o civilnim žrtvama rata, s ciljem boljeg uređivanja ove oblasti i unaprjeđenja njihovog položaja. Federalno ministarstvo rada i socijalne politike je zaduženo da u roku od šest mjeseci pripremi Prednacrt zakona o civilnim žrtvama rata u FBiH. Kao razlog za podnošenje inicijative navedena je potreba da se status civilnih žrtava rata normativno uredi posebnim federalnim zakonom, kako bi u okviru reforme u oblasti socijalne zaštite bio unaprijeđen njihov položaj i osiguralo kontinuirano i cjelovito ostvarivanje materijalnih naknada i drugih prava propisanih važećim federalnim propisom, jer nisu doneseni odgovarajući kantonalni zakoni i podzakonski akti. Vlada FBiH smatra da je ovakva inicijativa osnovana i da status civilnih žrtava rata u važećem Zakonu o osnovama socijalne zaštite, zaštite civilnih žrtava rata i zaštite porodice sa djecom nije adekvatan.  


Source: http://www.profitiraj.ba/?p=17447

The Government of the Federation of BiH, during today's meeting in Mostar, accepted an initiative of the Assembly of the Zenica-Doboj Canton for the submission of a specific federal law regarding civilian victims of war, with the goal of better management of this issue and the advancement of their position. The Federal Ministry for Work and Social Politics is responsible that within 6 months it creates a draft of the law regarding civilian victims of war in the Federation of BiH. A reason for the submission of the initiative is justified on the need for the status of civilian victims of war to be managed by a specific federal law. This is done so that, within the realm of social protection, the position of [civilian victims of war] is advanced and there is ensured a continued and entire creation of financial assistance and other rights codified in the extant federal regulation. All of this is necessary since the required cantonal and bylaws have not been passed. The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina thinks that this kind of initiative to has legal grounds and that the status of civilian victims of war in the extant Law on the Principles of Social Protection, Protection of Civil Victims of War, and Protection of Families with Children.